Telemetree Ads API

Closed access

Telemetree Ads is currently in closed access. If you are interested in joining, please, follow the instructions!

Getting access

Sign up and our website and reach out to our manager to finish your KYC process and get your API key.

We provide a set of API endpoints to help you monetize your games. You can use these endpoints to fetch tasks, display them, and verify the user’s completion of the tasks. To make things easier, we also provide a React SDK that you can use to integrate our API into your game.

Telemetree Ads React SDK

We’ve expanded our analytics library to include Telemetree Ads SDK, so if you’re already using our analytics library, skip to the next two steps.



Fetching tasks

The TaskManager component will fetch tasks from the API and store them in the user’s local storage for 48 hours. Once the tasks are expired, the component will fetch them again during the next session.

Displaying tasks

Incorrect use of this method will lead to lower earning potential for you and your game. Don’t lost out on money!

Use the displaying endpoint only when the user sees the full tasks.

Calling this endpoint will increase the number of impressions for the task.

Verifying tasks

Whenever the user presses the “Verify” button, the TaskManager component will call our endpoint to double check if the user has completed the task.

If the task is completed, your balance will be updated to reflect the changes.

Don’t forget to reward the user for completing the task!